Energizing higher education – renewable energy for economic transition
Capacity building of individuals, decision-makers, organizations and societal groups is crucial for solving the challenges and achieving the energy and agriculture development goals in Nepal. Academic institutions can contribute to raise the local awareness, creativity, innovation and capacity through educational initiatives, transdisciplinary research, gender mainstreaming, and the inclusion of marginalized groups in projects. International cooperation with the experienced partners can magnify the quality of such teaching, training, and research activities, which is the main aim of this eREET project.

The partnership will: Expand and strengthen renewable energy-related postgraduate and training programs with a focus on entrepreneurship. Refine ITT’s existing methodologies, expertise and networks in the domain of renewable energy and decentralized energy supply. Establish an energy-agriculture-economy nexus initiative at KU to mobilize the academic and research institutions in Nepal active in the field.
At an operational level, the project will: Establish and strengthen a partnership between ITT and KU, and explore the possibility of joint master programs in the field of renewable energy. Establish a formal semester exchange program between the Renewable Energy Management (REM) program at ITT and the Master’s Program on Planning and Operation of Energy Systems (MPPOES) at KU. Provide opportunities for master and doctoral students, and young staff for exchange research stays, lectures, workshops and trainings. Contribute to the digitization of learning and teaching. Provide solutions to Nepali farmers to energize agricultural activities and boost rural economy.
Capacity development
This project has mainly twofold focus. The first is the capacity development of young students, researchers and academic institutions through trainings, workshops and exchange activities. The second is to improve the curriculum and teaching offers of existing post graduate programmes at ITT and KU.

Midterm workshop at ITT, TH Köln, Germany
The e-REET project conducted a Mid-term Workshop from 9th to 11th May 2023 at the TH Köln. Three project members from KU attended the workshop. Altogether, the workshop was attended by 12 participants, including project partners, and invited guests and project members at TH Köln.

Doctoral researchers and students exchange
Two PhD researchers and each bachelor/master student from Nepal visited ITT for two to three months. Also two ITT students visited as exchange student from TH Koln to Kathmandu University for 3 months.

Lecture exchange
Prof. Bhandari provided lecture to students at the KU, Dhulikhel on the broader thematic area of Renewable Energy Use from Global to National Levels: Challenges, Prospects, and Research Needs.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Ramchandra Bhandari

Kathmandu University
Contact: Asso. Prof. Dr. Sunil Prasad Lohani

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Website: https://www.daad.de