Clean alternative solutions to the inefficient cooking-fuel used in Malian kitchens
A key task in ensuring sustainable development lies in an adequate management in the supply system of resources through sustainable circular economy, ideally at local level. Collaborations to address the local problems and to adapt the technologies to local needs present a unique opportunity to bridge the research results with the implementation through education, capacity building and vocational trainings. Thus, overall aim of this project is subcategorized into research, training, education and networking.
Mali, one of the least developed countries, uses traditional firewood for cooking. The project’s specific scientific objective is to contribute towards clean cooking to ensure the sustainable livelihood of people in Mali. While doing so, the different methodological approaches such as sustainable circular economy, efficient water use and agricultural productivity will be applied to the case study area in Katibougou, Mali.
Pilot plants for these appropriate technologies will be installed and tested, which include: improved cook stove, briquetting machine, biogas plant, solar water pump and electric cooking unit.


Postgraduate education and training
Six learning units will be developed related to the project’s theme including the results of the research activities within this project.

The project’s objective is to contribute to clean cooking to ensure the sustainable livelihood of people in Mali.

Student exchange
As part of supporting education on topics related to clean cooking and sustainable circular economy, student exchanges have been carried out among the project’s partners. Twelve students from Mali visited ITT, staying for two months to work on their Master’s and PhD theses.

Malian researchers visit ITT
Researchers and professors from the Malian partners have visited ITT in Cologne (Germany) during the project. These visits are part of the knowledge transfer and networking among the members of the C-Cook-Mali project.

Online winter school 2024
In February 2024, the C-Cook-Mali Winter School was conducted over the course of two weeks. The goal was to train Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD students from Mali in topics related to energy transition and clean cooking technologies in the context of West Africa.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Ramchandra Bhandari


:metabolon Institut
Contact: Prof. Dr. Christian Wolf

Contact: Prof. Dr. Yacouba Diallo

Contact: Prof. Dr. Rabani Adamou
Website: http://uam.refer.ne/

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Website: https://www.bmbf.de/

DLR Projektträger
Website: https://projekttraeger.dlr.de

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Website: https://www.daad.de