ERA-SOLMAB – Activities & Events

Midterm workshop ERA-SOLMAB at ITT
In July 2023, professors and researchers from Mali and the ZEF (Bonn, Germany) visited the installations of ITT for the midterm workshop of the project. Each project partner provided updates of their work, outlining the next steps of the project.

Experimental work
An important aspect of the ERA-SOLMAB project is research in the field of waste management and waste-to-energy in Mali. Among the tasks performed in the project is the review of current waste management practices in the country.

Project workshop in August 2023 at USTT-B
A workshop for the project was organized in August 2023 at the USTT-B. The workshop participants visited the pilot plants installed at USTT-B. The visit to the USTT-B pilot plants was also accompanied by the Rector of USTT-B, Prof. Ouateni Diallo. This was part of the strengthening of relations between TH Köln and USTT-B.

ITT team visited Mali in November 2022
Beside the multiple online meetings with the project partners in Mali, a physical workshop/visit was organized in November 2022. A team from ITT led by Prof. Bhandari visited the USTT-B and some sites for temporary waste disposal.

Waste bins and biogas plants installed
In September 2022, waste separation bins were installed within the premises of the USTT-B. After an internal discussion among the project partners, only two types of separation systems are placed – organic waste and all other waste.